What is your full name?

Tyler Dean Wagner

What is one quote that you live by?

Try your best

What is your birth date?

October 5

Who are your parents and siblings?

Kathy Wagner, Devin Wagner

What sports/activities did you participate in during high school?

Golf, Basketball

What are your plans after high school? Education/career

Go to Northeast for electrician

If you had the opportunity to travel anywhere, where would you go? Why?


What are three bucket list items you want do in your lifetime?

Go to Florida, California

What is the most creative excuse you’ve ever used to get out of a homework assignment?

I don’t want to do it

What advice do you have for incoming freshmen?

Don’t mess up

What is your biggest pet peeve and why?

People talking loud

Describe your senior year in THREE words.


What is your most valued possession?


Imagine that you have just been told you only have one week left to live. How will you spend that last week?

Out of School with family

Finish this sentence: “If birds could swim and pigs could fly, then…”

Snakes could jump

Fill in the blanks:  The one food I couldn’t live without is


How do you like your eggs and why?


What kind of music do you listen to most?


Twitter, Snapchat or Instagram?


What are your future plans?

Be an electrician

If you could only use one emoji for the rest of high school, what would it be?
laughing face